Il nostro scopo

La missione del marchio è promuovere l'artigianato di lusso con particolare attenzione all'etica, all'innovazione e alla sostenibilità, non solo socialmente responsabile, ma in linea anche con la crescente tendenza del consumismo consapevole. Sostenere l’artigianato italiano; Dare potere alle donne creatrici e sostenere le giovani donne provenienti da contesti difficili in Togo aggiunge un livello di impatto sociale che può fare una differenza significativa nelle loro vite e comunità.

  • Ambiente

    80% of our fabrics/materials are handmade, hand dyed and most of the process done by hand, so we value the location, health and working condition of the artisans very much.

    Ethical work (Fair pay), ethical lifestyle (Good working condition and space) Will always be our goal.

  • Donne

    Our ethically sustainable journey officially began just over three years ago, and we have come a long way. And we are doing our best to become more sustainable. Most of the materials we use are naturally derived, eco-friendly or azo-free dyes, which help reduce water pollution and toxicity. This choice also
    Improves the health and working conditions of artisans and our customers.

  • Responsabilità sociale

    With globalization and the new colonialism of Europe and Asia many African countries have lost and forgotten what makes them special:

    Our traditions, heritage, culture, and the savoir-faire handed down from generation to generation.

    Our mission is to bring back all kinds of crafts, from textile manufacturing to accessory makers.

    All of these to be nationally and internationally recognised as sustainable luxury textiles and crafts, made from simple and natural materials, with real tools and modern techniques/machinery that facilitate some of the working process.

  • Comunità

    Nyny Ryke’s drawstring packaging/bags are made from used viscose fabrics in very basic colours that textile companies have discarded due to defects, out-of-trend fabrics, or unsuitability for other uses. We buy and give them a different life. These can be used and reused multiple times over the years for various purposes.
    All shipping packaging are also biodegradable or eco-friendly. All our printed materials, including shopping crafted paper bags, cards, and stickers, are made by noissue, an fsc-certified sustainable company that prints using soy and water-based inks. Internal labels are manufactured by dortex.
    Our customers are cultured people who are interested in unique and authentic things and want to contribute to craftsmanship and ethically sustainable luxury, whom indirectly, supports and shares our mission and vision.
    The goal of becoming more sustainable also includes transparency. Our supply chain transparency willgive you a deeper understanding of our prices, of our artisan’s hard work, how the teamoperate as well as who are our external/ Third parties workers from africa to europe to the UK.
    In 2024, we strengthened to share further our company passion, vision, sustainability credentials through social media, links, and qr codes